Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm

I'll be getting a new computer soon and it will allow me to hold more music, something my current computer does not allow me to do in large amounts. Here are the few songs I've added since the last blog.

Brandon Heath - Entire What If We and Don't Get Comfortable albums.

Clay Walker - "1, 2, I Love You" from Rumor Has It.

David Guetta - "Sexy Chick (ft. Akon)" from One Love.

Boys Like Girls - "Two is Better Than One (ft. Taylor Swift)" from their Love Drunk album.

Casting Crowns - Entire Until the Whole World Hears album.

Mystery Zone - "Spoon" from Transference. This was a Starbucks weekly freebie.

The Tragically Hip - Entire We Are the Same album. If you remember, I had a Starbucks freebie of this group and I decided that I liked it so much, I was going to try out the new album and it's decent. Decent enough to make it into my iTunes and onto my iPod.

Various Artists - Complete So Much to Save compilation album. This one was free, all I had to do was agree to do one of a few options to help save the environment. I agreed to properly recycle my old cell phones, which I will someday soon. This album features tracks by Dave Matthews Band, Umphrey's McGee, Hill Country Revue, Yoder Mountain String Band and a handful of other artists.

Werid Al Yankovic - Entire Even Worse album. One of his first. I unchecked a few of the songs because they don't appeal to me, but it is nice to have another Weird Al album to add my collection. You never know when one will need to pull out an album of his.

Billy Joel - Complete Stranger album. I had a few tracks from this album already, but I enjoy just about any Billy Joel song, so this album was definately worthy to be purchased.

Switchfoot - Entire Hello Hurricane album. Their newest venture, and possibly one of their best. It hasn't gained the attention that The Beautiful Letdown did, but it is on the same level.

The Northern Way (formerly Set Forth) - "The One" from Songs About Unicorns. This was a free track on Valentine's Day from the band. I'll looking forward to buying their new album. Another great band from Colorado.

Foo Fighters - Complete Greatest Hits album. I'm still missing a few FF albums, but they will be added eventually and I hope to have their complete discography by the end of 2010.

So here is where it gets confusing, so try to follow me on this one. My brother-in-law gave me a digital version of Coldplay's Parachutes album and he had it divided into Side A and Side B. Well, lo and behold, there is no Side B, just one disc. So I had to figure out where the other 12 or so tracks fell into the Coldplay discography. They were either from EP's or singles. Here are the albums that I compiled from these tracks; I had to add a few to make the EP's or singles complete. I'd still like to own everything that Coldplay has come out with because they are one of my favorites. The Blue Room EP, Trouble single, Brothers and Sisters EP, Shiver single, Safety EP, and Yellow single.

Third Eye Blind - Entire Red Star EP. This was released in 2008. "Non-Dairy Creamer" is an awesome song!

Dominic Balli - "All We Need Is Love (ft. Paul Wright)" from Public Announcement. Sounds like the Christian version of Bob Marley.

That's if for now, but stay tuned for more additions in the near future.

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